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F1tenth repository

Currently the ubm-f1tenth repository is composed of ros2 packages written in C++ or Python, each package must be documented in a different way based on the language it is written in.

Python packages

To generate the documentation of ros2 packages written in Python we use mkdocs and each package is treated as a different mkdocs project.

To start writing the documentation you must first initialize the directory as a mkdocs project (you only have to do this once per package), to do so run the following commands within the docker container:

source ~/mkdocs/bin/activate
cd ~/f1tenth_ws/package_name
python -m mkdocs new .
The source ~/mkdocs/bin/activate command will activate the virtual environment where the mkdocs python package is installed. Next, modify the mkdocs.yml file so that the plugins section includes the mkdocstrings plugin and use the readthedocs theme, in the end the mkdocs.yml file should look something like this:
site_name: <package name>

- mkdocstrings

  name: readthedocs

Now you can place the documentation in markdown format inside the docs folder:

  • You can use the usual markdown formatting instructions, such as tables and images (put the images in the docs/img folder)
  • To generate the documentation automatically from the python docstrings use the ::: directive (more info here) 🚨 If you do this ALWAYS include the show_source: false option 🚨, like so:
    ## Detector class
    ::: detector.detector.Detector
            show_source: false
    You can structure the documentation as you think is most effective, create as many markdown files as you want and add them to the nav section of mkdocs.yml. To see how the documentation will turn out run this command in the docker container then open the index.html file in your browser:
    source ~/mkdocs/bin/activate
    cd path/to/package && python -m mkdocs build

C++ packages

The documentation of C++ packages is generated with rosdoc2, which in turn uses Doxygen and Sphinx in conjunction with breathe and exhale. In order for these tools to work the file structure of the package must follow the ros2 guidelines, the main aspect of these guidelines is that all classes, methods and functions must be defined in .hpp files located in the include folder and the Doxygen style documentation comments must be written in these files.

You can generate and view the documentation with:

source ~/rosdoc2/bin/activate
rosdoc2 build --package-path=/path/to/package