Class ThetaStar
Defined in File theta_star.hpp
Nested Relationships
Nested Types
Class Documentation
class ThetaStar
Implemetation of the Theta* algorithm.
at coordsx
we mean the top-left vertex of the pixel at coordsx
.Public Functions
inline ThetaStar()
inline void updateVertex(const tuple<int, int> s, const tuple<int, int> sNeighbor, const cv::Mat &map)
Update routine of the theta* algorigthm, updates the
of the current neighbor to either theparent
of thes
vertex if it has line of sight or to thes
Depends on
- Parameters:
s – The vertex that is being currently expanded.
sNeighbor – The neighbor of
.map – The occupancy map.
inline list<tuple<int, int>> thetaStar(const tuple<int, int> start, tuple<int, int> goal, const cv::Mat &map)
Main function of the theta* algorithm.
Within the function we reverse the
coordinates of the vertices for compatability with thelineOfSight
function. This detail should be ignored outside of thethetaStar
function.- Parameters:
start – The start vertex.
goal – The goal vertex.
map – The occupancy map, binary image.
- Returns:
list<tuple<int, int>> The path from the start vertex to the goal vertex, empty if not found.
Public Members
cv::Mat gCost
tuple<int, int> goalVert
unordered_map<tuple<int, int>, tuple<int, int>> parent
set<tuple<int, int>, Comparator> open
list<tuple<int, int>> closed
cv::Mat mapImage
Public Static Functions
static inline float hCost(const tuple<int, int> s, const tuple<int, int> goal)
Calculate straight-line distance between the vertex
vertex, used as an estimation of the cost of the path betweens
.- Parameters:
s – the vertex
goal – the goal vertex
- Returns:
static inline bool lineOfSight(tuple<int, int> a, tuple<int, int> b, const cv::Mat &map)
Check for line of sight between two vertices.
- Parameters:
a – The first vertex
b – The second vertex
map – The occupancy map.
- Returns:
true If the vertex a has line of sight with vertex b.
- Returns:
false If the vertex a does not have line of sight with vertex b.
static inline list<tuple<int, int>> neighbors(const tuple<int, int> s, const tuple<int, int> &mapSize)
Get all neighbors of a vertex (we consider an 8-connected space, so diagonal neighbors included).
- Parameters:
s – Vertex
mapSize – The size of the map.
- Returns:
list<tuple<int, int>> List of neighbors
static inline float straightLinecost(const tuple<int, int> a, const tuple<int, int> b)
Calculate the lenght of the straight line between two vertices, in pixels.
- Parameters:
a – The first vertex.
b – The second vertex.
- Returns:
float The distance between the two vertices as a straigth line in pixels.
class Comparator
Comparator class used to hold the vertices of the
set in ascending order based on their estimated distance from the goal.
inline ThetaStar()